President Message
Greetings from Er. Virender K. Bhardwaj (Founder President & Managing Director)
B.E. (Mech.), M. Tech. (Manufacturing Systems Engineering), M.B.A. (International Business) and Specialization in CNC Machines Programming & Operations, CAD/CAM, Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA), Tool Design & Development (Sheet-Metal & Plastics), Dip. in Systems Management, Internal Auditor for ISO/TS Certified Industries.
It’s a great moment to see you on the official website of UDYAMI SAHYOG PARISHAD (USP). USP is one of the pioneers in Industrial Professional Practical Learnings with multiple mission of Professional Industrial Skills Development Education, On Job Professional Skill Trainings, Industrial Manufacturing Support Services, Project planning & Execution Consultations, Innovative Design & Research, Entrepreneurship Development, Industrial Manpower Solutions and Job Placements. After having more than 20 years of my wide range of work experience in manufacturing Industries being at Junior level to Senior Management levels in almost all the Industrial Departments, I understood the needs of breezing the gaps for skill requirements. In this modern era of machines and research, every day we are finding new products, mechanism and techniques to make our life easy and comfortable. But to spread over these resources among all levels of our society, we need to train them as a good user, developers and manufacturers of these technologies.
If we are looking at one side to young generation, we are finding the increase in their un-employability where as another side, Industrialists are not finding proper trained manpower to run their systems in their plants. This is our effort to emphasize on Industrial skills development programme by making it more and more practical through our collaborative team experiences as per the diversified need of skilled manpower to Industries. In our Society’s “Professional Industrial Training Institute” we are continuously focused on training need identification at every level of student’s educational stages. Through our global reach, we are continuously collaborating and associating with national and International leading organizations those can supports us for this mission to build our nation through Skill India. USP is a place where we not only strive to train the students to acquire practical and professional Industrial knowledge but also to become them confident, dedicated, motivated, ethical, loyal, hardworking, expert and proficient in their respective field of choice and to increase their Employability. We are providing trainings in Process Domains, Application Domains and Technology Domains covering areas of Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering with focus on Industrial Marketing Management, Project Planning Control & Execution Management, Engineering/Design & Development, Various Manufacturing Processes (Welding, Power Press Engineering, Machining, Moulding & Tools Manufacturing), Process Planning and Shop Floor Layouts Planning Management, Vendor Development/Purchase & Supply Chain Management, Production Planning & Control Management, Quality Control & System Management, Inventory/Store/Packaging & Dispatch Management, Customer & Vendors Relationship Management. USP has very strong linkage between Government, Non-Government organizations, Industries/Corporates. USP is a pioneer in establishing mutually beneficial quadrilateral partnership among the academic Institutes, Industries, weaker section of Society and Government organizations. “Centre of Professional Training Excellence”(CoPTE) is UDYAMI SAHYOG PARISHAD’s another knowledge driven approach to build trust in Professional Technical Education through onsite Trainings for Industrial skills enhancementto support Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics and Industrial Training Institutes (ITI’s) for the requirements of their students for Placement, Summer Trainings/In-plant Trainings/Apprentices and Innovative Project Support. USP is having associations and legal partnership with many Industries for imparting on job trainings and placements to its alumni and also having a separate placement cell for this purpose. By serving as catalyst for Industries- Academic Partnership, USP attempts to bring intellectual capital and emerging technology together to bridge the gap between Industries and Technical Institutions. USP is continuously developing state of Art Infrastructure, availing modern teaching aides, research laboratories, expanding professional Book Bank in Libraryand manufacturing machine shops for on job training facilities. USP is having a required Team of highly Qualified & Experienced Engineers, Industrial Professionals and on job training resources for respective domain to successfully address the training requirements.
I wish, this society will fulfill all your dreams to be a real professional.
We would always be available for any concerned clarification and counseling.
Vice President Message
Greetings from Capt. Vijay Singh (Vice President )
CFI, CFII, MEI, ATPL (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, USA), M.B.A.-Finance (University of Texas, USA).
It’s an exciting time for Udyami Sahyog Parishad where we are planning for the future with our campaign to build the community impact institute and a collaborative community space for our students. At the same time, we are creating an organizational road map for the next several years through an extensive strategic planning and execution.
Every day, the USP’s mission is brought to life not only by our board members but also by our educators and administrative staff whether at institute or out in our community stepping up to lead through their professional knowledge & extensive & real time industrial experience.
It is truly an honor to serve this organization as a member where we strive to coach & train our students for a successful career and even better future.